Over 50 DIY projects for house and garden using recycled materials
Getting Started in Permaculture delivers step-by-step knowledge for a variety of useful projects including: making herb fertilisers, compost, organic sprays for pest control, and much, much more. It also includes how to recycle your soft drink bottles, waste paper, and tires in a number of useful projects such as ponds, fruit fly traps, retailing walls, and solar stills.
Published 1998
Candlelight Trust
Paperback, b&w diagrams throughout, also colour photographs and illustration. 96 pages.
ISBN: 0646200909
Jennifer Mars (Dip. Perm. Design) is well known in Western Australia as a permaculture educator. She is a primary school teacher who has contributed to the promotion of permaculture and sustainable living in both country and urban areas. Jenny has helped to develop many permaculture-designed gardens in schools, nurseries and backyards. Jenny and Ross are in the process of developing their property in Hovea, Candlelight Farm, as a permaculture demonstration site.
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